
ICDT Invited Lecture

We are pleased to announce this year's ICDT invited lecture:

Search Joins with the Web

Christian Bizer

Chair of Information Systems V, University of Mannheim



The talk will discuss the concept of Search Joins. A Search Join is a join operation which extends a local table with additional attributes based on the large corpus of structured data that is published on the Web in various formats. The challenge for Search Joins is to decide which Web tables to join with the local table in order to deliver high-quality results. Search joins are useful in various application scenarios. They allow for example a local table about cities to be extended with an attribute containing the average temperature of each city for manual inspection. They also allow tables to be extended with large sets of additional attributes as a basis for data mining, for instance to identify factors that might explain why the inhabitants of one city claim to be happier than the inhabitants of another.

In the talk, Christian Bizer will draw a theoretical framework for Search Joins and will highlight how recent developments in the context of Linked Data, RDFa and Microdata publishing, public data repositories as well as crowd-sourcing integration knowledge contribute to the feasibility of Search Joins in an increasing number of topical domains.

BioChristian Bizer explores questions concerning the development of global, decentralized information environments. His current research focus is the evolution of the World Wide Web from a medium for the publication of documents into a global data space. Christian Bizer has initialized the W3C Linking Open Data community effort which is interlinking large numbers of data sources on the Web. He also co-founded the DBpedia project which derives a comprehensive knowledge base from Wikipedia. Further results of his work include the Named Graphs data model which was adopted into the W3C SPARQL recommendation, the D2RQ mapping language which is widely used for publishing relational databases on the Web of Linked Data, the Silk - Linking Framework, and the Berlin SPARQL Benchmark. Christian Bizer holds an appointment as full professor at University of Mannheim. Before moving to Mannheim, he headed the Web-based Systems Group at Freie Universitat Berlin.